Mengea tertiaria w bursztynie bałtyckim (w zbiorach Muzeum Ziemi PAN)


  • Róża Kulicka


MENGEA TERTIARIA FROM BALTIC AMBER FROM THE COLLECTIONS OF THE MUSEUM OF EARTH, POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, WARSAW Summary Fossil Strepsiptera are known only from the Baltic amber. Up to the present only six males of a single species Mengea tertiaria Menge were found and described. The first fossil specimen was described by A. Menge in 1866 as Triaena tertiaria. The second specimen was described as Mangea tertiaria Menge by W. Ulrich in 1927 and soon thereafter R. Keilbach described four .successive specimens under the same generic and specific name. The specimens of Menge and Ulrich were housed in the Gdańsk Museurn and those of Keilbach - in the Amber Museum at Królewiec. The specimens from both Gdańsk and Królewiec museums were lost during the IInd. w. w. (see R. Kozłowski, 1951, and G. Kirchner, 1950, respectively). A successive specimen of Strepsiptera also belonging to the species Mengea tertiaria Menge was recently found in the Baltic amber from the collections of the Museum of the Earth, Warsaw. This is the only fossil specimen and that is why it may be designated as the neotype for that species.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia