Zastosowanie analizy zmienności niektórych cech litologicznych do wyznaczania i . korelacji ogniw litostratygraficznych we fliszu podhalańskim


  • Leonard Mastella
  • A. Arendarski
  • J . Kicana


THE USE OF ANALYSIS• OF VARIABILITY OF SOME LITHOLOGICAL FEATURES FOR DIFFERENTIATION AND CORRELATION OF LITHOSTRATIGRAPHIC UNITS OF THE PODHALE FLYSCH Summary The paper presents an attempt .to precise the criteria for differentiation of lithostratigraphic units of the Podhale Flysch deposits (Fig. 1A) on the example of the profile of the Flysch deposits exposed in Niedziczanka and Kacwińska Rzeka creek valleys (Fig. 1B) covered by detailed studies. The results of the studies were used in plotting diagrammes illustrating the variability in the ratio of summative thickness of sandstones to that of shales as well as the mean thickness at sandstone and shale layers and the frequency of occurrence of sandstone layers (Fig. 2 I, II, III). Moreover, distribution of selected rock types in the profile was analysed (Fig 2 - 1÷5). The analysis of these data made possible to precise descriptions and drawing of the boundaries of lithastratigraphic units in the profile studied (Fig. 2). Supplementary analysis has covered two 100-meter profiles of strata cropping out in Łapszanka and Bialka creek valleys (Fig. 1B). Comparison of diagrammes obtained for these profiles with those from Fig. 2 (Fig. 3) has shown the applicability of the method described here to correlation of Flysch layers from different outcrops.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia