O utworach santonu na Środkowym Roztoczu


  • Jan Stanisław Popiel


SANTONIAN STRATA FROM THE MIDDLE ROZTOCZE Summary Santonian deposits were found to crop out in Szum creek valley neat Kościelne Górecko, middle Roztocze. The Santonian is here represented by spottled marly opokas intercalated with dark-gray politic limestones. The marly opoka is characterized by microcrystalline carbonate groundmass in which single grains of detrital quartz of the aleurite and psammite fractions are embedded. Moreover, there occur single grains of glauconite and plates of muscovite. The chemical analysis of the marly opoka has shown that it mainly consists of silica and a small admixture of alumnosilicates. The macrofaunal assemblage comprises: Inoceramus cardissoides G o l d f., I. cf. cancelatus G o l d f., I. cf. parvus K o c i u b., I. pachti A r c h a n g. and I. lobatus M ü n st., typical of the Santonian.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia