Wybrane profile miocenu Opolszczyzny w świetle badań mikropaleontologicznych


  • Ewa Odrzywolska-Bieńkowa


SELECTED MIOCENE PROFILES FROM OPOLE SILESIA IN THE LIGHT OF MICROPALEONTOLOGICAL STUDIES Summary In Miocene ,deposits penetrated by boreholes Twardawa IG-1 and Wawrzyńcowice IG-2 (Opole Silesia, south-western Poland) the present author found numerous foraminifers assemblages making possible stratigraphic zonation of these deposits. In the borehole Twardawa IG-1 the Cretaceous (Turonian-Coniacian), deposits are overlayed by the Carpathian (Kłodnica beds - Miocene M3) deposits characterized by foraminifer assemblage poor in species and characterized by predominance of foraminifer species evidencing occasional short-term marine ingessions. In the profile of Kłodnica beds there occur intercalations with molluscan shells, fish scales, vertebrae and otolites but not foraminifers. According to the present author these intercalations evidence brackish conditions, not favourable for foraminifers. These deposits pass upwards into the Lower Badenian (Moravian) represented by the Orbulina suturalis and Lenticulina echinata zones. Above occur deposits of the Wielician substage (Uvigerina costai zone), a horizon of chemical deposits (gypsum) and Kosovian substage with microfaunal elements representative of the Neobulimina longa and Spiratella sp. zone. The profile of the Tertiary from that borehole ends with mottled deposits of the Kędzierzyn beds (? Sarmatian continental facies). In the borehole Wawrzyńcowice IG-2 the Santonian is covered by gypsum deposits and those of the Neobulimina longa zone (Upper Badenian - Kosovian). The overlying mottled deposits (equivalents of the Kędzierzyn beds?) do not yield foraminifers. An attempt to reconstruct oscillations of depth and temperature of the sedimentary basin of the deposits studied is made using the available data concerning requirements of foraminifer species recorded.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia