Badania geologiczne dna południowego Bałtyku z pokładu statku badawczego "Meteor"


  • Ryszard Kotliński
  • Feliks B. Pieczka


GEOLOGICAL STUDIES OF SOUTHERN BALTIC BOTTOM BY "METEOR" RESEARCH SHIP Summary The group of experts of the International Council of Sea Studies (ICES) end International Commision of Oceanographic Research (SCOR), with Professor Dr. Klaus Grasshof (the Institute of Marine Studies, Kiel University) as the coordinator, has finished preparation of interdisciplinary research programme “Baltic – 75”. Poland has participated in this programme. The three main problems of the programme included: 1) Meteorological and physical intercation of atmosphere and marine waters in the Hanö Bay NE of Bornholm; 2) Biological-chemical studies of so-called Bornholm Sea along with taking single measurements of physical properties of waters; and 3) Geological studies in the Gotland Basin, aimed at reconstruction of history of development and of post-glacial deposits. The results of complex studies carried aboard “Meteor” research ship and subsequent laboratory studies will be published along with Germans in one of journals of international range.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia