Nowe stanowiska eocenu górnego i oligocenu dolnego w rejonie Globic, Szaszorowic i Miechowa (woj. leszczyńskie) w SW części monokliny przedsllideckiej


  • Edward Ciuk


NEW LOCALITIES OF THE UPPER EOCENE AND LOWER OLIGOCENE FROM THE AREAS OF GŁOBICE, SZASZOROWICE AND MIECHÓW (LESZNO VOIVODESHIP), SW PART OF FORE-SUDETIC MONOCLINE Summary The new, most south-western localities of the Upper Eocene and Lower Oligocene are described from the areas of Głobice, Szaszorowice and Miechów upon Odra river. The Upper Eocene is here developed in sandy-sandstone, calcareous-marly and siltstone facies. Both substages have good micropaleontological record, including guide species. Moreover, some pelecypods and gastropods are known from . these deposits. The Upper Eocene localities from this part of Poland evidence the existence of a wide embayment ~ the north-west European marine basin which transgressed SW Poland from the area of German Democratic Republic. The microfaunal assemblage of the Upper Eocene comprises nummulites and guide species of the Mediterranean Upper Eocene, which indicate the existence of some marine connections and migration of the microfauna directly from the Tethyan basin on the south.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia