Właściwości chemiczno-technologiczne dolnooligoceńskich węgli brunatnych i ich popiołów z rejonu Lusowa na zachód od Poznania


  • Edward Ciuk


CHEMICAL-TECHNOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF LOWER OLIGOCENE BROWN COALS AND DUSTS FROM THE LUSÓW REGION (WESTERN OF POZNAŃ) Summary Here were presented results of chemical-technological analysis of Lower Oligocene brown coals and their ashes from Lusów region, western of Poznań. These coals form wide lenses within Czempin beds of Lower Oligocene age, common in all Polish Lowland area. In Lusów they are energetic coals with good caloricity (Qri = 9750 kJ)(kg = 2324 Kcal/kg) and high sulphur (Sdt = 3,52%), typical tar coal with medium tar content (Tdsk = 13,21 %). These coals are lowly ashed (Ad = 16,28%) but could not be briquetted. They are not salted despite of higher alkalies content (Na2O + K2O = 0,37%) and due to low bitumen volume are not extractive coals. Regarding chemical composition of Lusów coal ashes mark high content of Fe2O3 (21,24%), relatively low SiO2 (23,15%) and Al2O3 (11,40%) but higher CaO (16,71%) contents. Their microscope (high temperature Leitz microscope) and chemical (Teune formula) analysis argue they are in general easily fusible but partly medium fusible. Studies of ash possibilities for slaging (Rż) and deposition of stable elements (Ro) in furnaces proved their high values, exceeding several times the standart ones due to large content of Fe2O3, MgO and Na2O. Discussed coals should not be used in power engineering despite their good caloricity indexes.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia