Próba identyfikacji pokładów węgla w Dolnośląskim Zagłębiu Węglowym na podstawie diagramów krzywych facjalnych


  • Grzegorz J. Nowak


IDENTIFICATION TEST OF COAL SEAMS FROM THE LOWER SILESIA COAL BASIN USING THE FACIAL CURVE DIAGRAMS Summary Coal seams can be identified in two ways: by examining the mullocky rock or the seams themselves. The method for the correlation of coal layers based on the macroscopic description of the seam section has been presented by Tasch (3). The method has been called the seam formation curve. Such a diagram is drawn taking into account the relations between thickness of the layer and lithotype composition. The formation of various lithotypes (fusain, vitrain, clarain, durain and carbonaceous shale or inorganic sediments) is mainly a result of the different rates of subsidance of a swamp. Some choosen coal seams of the Żacler Beds from the Lower Silesian Coal Basin were studied. Eight lithotypes: bright coal, bright coal with fusain, semibright coal with fusain, semibright coal, semibright banded coal, banded coal, dull coal and fusain were distinguished. The tests showed that this method of identification do not give good results in conditions of the Lower Silesian Coal Basin. The reason of it are: the limnic character of this deposit, high coal rank, tectonic disturbance of coal beds, high content of a gas in coal seams.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia