Przykład metodyki obliczania zasobów wód podziemnych na tle stosunków hydrogeologicznych określonego rejonu Polski
A METHOD OF COMPUTING THE GROUND WATER RESOURCES IN THE LIGHT OF HYDROGEOLOGICAL CONDITIONS OF A GIVEN REGION OF POLAND Summary The authors give the example of a hydrogeological elaboration carried out in a given region of Poland, taking into consideration, in particular, the method of computing the ground water resources. The computations of static, dynamic and exploratory resources are presented and the discussion on the results obtained is given. In their conclusions, the authors postulate as follows: when computing the ground water resources, the present category "C" should be divided into two categories - C1 and C2; in the hydrogeological elaborations all computations should be made by means of various methods; systematic study should be made on infiltration being a fundamental parameter necessary during determination of alimentation of ground waters.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia