Znaczenie podstawowych badań geologiczno-inżynierskich w Instytucie Geologicznym
IMPORTANCE OF FUNDAMENTAL GEOLOGICAL-ENGINEERING INVESTIGATIONS CONDUCTED IN THE GEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE Summary The article deals with the problem concerning a fact that the period of time passing between elaboration of results of fundamental investigations and their practical use on a greater scale, is as long as five or seven years. In the first period of activity, first of all the geological-engineering documentations have been made in the Geological Institute. That was a direct service to the industrial investments. Then the methodical, regional works and researches, in part also the instructive ones, were conducted, as well. In the Geological Institute also the first instruction on performance of geological-engineering drillings, as well as the principles of geological-engineering documentation have been prepared. Of the methodical works, the following ones should be mentioned here: application of geophysical methods in the engineering geology, application of airborne survey, elaboration of geological-engineering problems for the karst, loess and earth slide areas. From the methodical point of view, also the problems concerning geological- engineering mapping have been elaborated for the karst, loess, Polish Lowland, as well as mining- damage areas.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia