Piaski formierskie w rejonie częstochowskim i metodyka prac poszukiwawczych


  • Monika Błaszak


MOULDING SANDS IN THE CZĘSTOCHOWA REGION AND TECHNIQUE OF PROSPECTING WORKS Summary The article shortly presents history of exploitation of moulding sands, technique of prospecting works and some observations concerning karts forms. Moulding sands of the Częstochowa region have been using in metallurgical industry of the Silesia region for some tens years. However, in the last period there lacked some classes of moulding sands, after the known deposits have been exploited. In connection with this, both the Geological Institute and the Institute of Casting have made geological and technological studies on the terrain between Częstochowa, Żarki and Zawiercie. As a result of these studies one has discovered and investigated 380 karst sink-holes filled up with moulding sands. During computations a method of isolines has been applied, there. Comparison of these latter is shown on the table attached to the paper.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia