Zjawiska krasowe w dolomitach środkowodewońskich okolic Winnej koło Łagowa


  • Teresa Uberna


KARST PHENOMENA IN THE MIDDLE DEVONIAN DOLOMITES OF THE WINNA VICINITIES, NEAR ŁAGÓW Summary The research works carried out during 1954 at Winna, near Łagów, revealed occurrence of many karst phenomena in the Middle Devonian dolomites. The karst sink-holes are filled up with quartz sands and plastic clays. The extents of holes investigated here, could not have been established, however, the wall profiles yield interesting data concerning deposits in question. In general, the period of development of karst phenomena may be referred to the Tertiary time, and the deposits occurring in holes are of Miocene age. The occurrence of irregular nests of iron ore, manganese crusts and haloisite clays is a common feature of all deposits there. A big amount of the karst kettles filled up with plastic clays of a considerable thickness, may be of particular practical importance, for clays of this type may be used in production of high-quality ceramics.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia