Uwagi o ustalaniu bilansowości złóż węgla brunatnego w okresie ich geologicznego rozpoznania


  • Witold Olendski


REMARKS ON ESTIMATION OF BALANCE OF BROWN COAL DEPOSITS DURING RECOGNITION OF THEIR GEOLOGY Summary The article deals with some problems concerning method of balance criterion application when classifying deposits as being either payable or non-payable ones. The author criticizes a present method, which is applied now in geology and based on a control operation showing only, whether deposit investigated fulfils all the established extreme values of the balance parameters. Of the author’s considerations results that during application of that method there exist possibilities to classify the "better" deposit as a non-payable one, and inversely, to regard the "worse" deposit for a payable one. As a result of the considerations the author draws conclusions that balance of a deposit or of its close part should depend not upon their extreme values, whithout their mutual connections, but on a resultant of all the parameters being taken into consideration. The author presents forms, by means of which one could realize the method discussed in the paper.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia