Osuwisko w Pcimiu


  • Krzysztof Jakubowski
  • Stanisław Ostaficzuk


EARTH SLIDE AT PCIM (CRACOW DISTRICT) Summary The article deals with the results of preliminary study on an earth slide at Pcim (Myślenice distr., Cracow reg.). A period of time usually needed for such a study has been considerably shortened due to the new methods, which permitted to accelerate the course of field and laboratory works. During the field operations, among others, also the topographic-tacheometric "Teletypo"-Zeiss telemeter has been used, and a series of simplified stereoscopic surveys bas been made. These surveys permit to complete the plan of slide by means of photointerpretation, a. o. Basing on the analyses of morphology and structure of slide in question, the author draw a conclusion that should be classified as a consequentstructural slide of rocky-weathering type. It should be added here that slate layers moistened by water from the excessive atmospheric precipitations made a sliding surface there.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia