Rewizja stratygrafii syluru z wiercenia Łeba


  • Lech Teller


REVISION OF THE SILURIAN STRATIGRAPHY OF THE ŁEBA BORE-HOLE PROFILE Summary In the article, the previous opinions by F. Dahlgrün and O. Seitz (1944), H. Jaeger (paper in print), L. Teller (1960) and H. Tomczyk (1959 and 1960), concerning Silurian stratigraphy of the profile in the Łeba bore-hole (made during 1935-1936), are object of the author's revision. After a detailed study (1961) on samples preserved till now in Berlin, and after an analysis of descriptions of graptolite fauna, the author critically estimates determinations made by H. Jaeger, in particular those, which concern the form Monograptus cf. boučeki Přibyl. In the author's opinion, this form represents a mutative variety of a strongly differentiated group M. formosus, which after the newest data obtained from the areas of Poland occurs above the Saetograptus leintwardinensis (Lapw) form, and below the Pristiograptus bugensius Teller form. In his conclusion the author states that all the graptolite forms at Łeba point at the new Silurian horizons occurring between the Saetograptus leintwardinensis horizon and the Pristiograptus bugensius horizon. These forms are partly an equivalent to the new series known of both the Żebrak and the Lębork bore-holes (H. Tomczyk, 1960).



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia