Powiększenie bazy ogniotrwałego surowca krzemionkowego i kruszywa budowlanego w rejonie Opoczno-Tomaszów Mazowiecki


  • Maria Ruśkiewicz


INCREASE OF THE BASE OF THE SILICEOUS FIRE-PROOF RAW MATERIAL AND OF THE CRUSHED STONE IN THE OPOCZNO-TOMASZÓW MAZOWIECKI REGION Summary The article deals with the spongiolitic chalcedonite deposit occurring in the Opoczno and Tomaszów Mazowiecki region. In 1960, the detailed reconnaissance works were conducted in this region. As a result of these works, an elaboration of geological documentation in C2 category has been made, and then a tentative exploitation of deposit at Teofilów has started for the building purposes. In the article, the results of recent works and investigations are given and the geology of deposits at Teofilów and Dęborzyczka is discussed, in detail.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia