Utwory czwartorzędowe na obszarze arkusza Jarosław i ich znaczenie surowcowe


  • Alicja Mańkowska


THE QUATERNARY DEPOSITS IN THE AREA OF THE JAROSŁAW SHEET AND THEIR IMPORTANCE Summary In the article, the Quaternary deposits occurring in the area of the Jarosław sheet (1:100 000) are described. These deposits show a considerable, but somewhat changing thickness, amounting up to 100 m. The oldest among them are so-called intermorainic sands of early Pleistocene age. In the area of the Jarosław sheet also deposits of the South-Polish Glaciation (Cracovien) have been encountered. These latter are represented by boulder clays and aqueoglacial sands. The period of inland ice recession during the South-Polish Glaciation resulted in the erosional activity only. As a result of an accumulation connected with the Middle-Polish Glaciation period (Varsovien 1), the terrace deposits have originated, which form the sandy "higher" terrace to-day. With the North-Polish Glaciation, the formation of loesses, of arenaceous loesses and of accumulation "lower" terraces is connected. To the Holocene deposits, the aeolian sediments, as well as the river muds and sands of the young-alluvial terrace may be included there. The building raw material base is provided mainly by clayey rocks, first of all, however, by loesses and river muds, as well as by boulder clays. The clastic raw materials are less attractive, in comparison with the clayey ones. The river sands with gravels are of considerable importance among all the raw materials of this group.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia