Dolomity środkowodewońskie w Winnej k. Łagowa


  • Teresa Uberna


THE MIDDLE DEVONIAN DOLOMITES AT WINNA, NEAR ŁAGÓW Summary The quick development of metallurgy in post-war Poland requires providing the base of fire-proof raw materials useful in production of mouldings and furnace charges. Prospecting works and studies on dolomite deposits for the industrial purposes were begun by Geological Institute with reference to a series of the Middle-Devonian carbonate rocks in the southern part of the Holy Cross Mountains, Łagów region. The investigated and recognized resources of fire-proof raw materials proved to be very considerable there. In the future, these latter will make an important raw material base for the new established metallurgical works at Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia