Zmienność parametrów chemicznych w zależności od stopnia poznania złoża na przykładzie wapieni dewońskich “Kowala Posłowice”


  • Elżbieta Czajor


CHANGEABILITY OF CHEMICAL PARAMETERS DEPENDING UPON RECOGNITION DEGREE OF DEPOSIT, EXEMPLIFIED BY DOCUMENTATION OF THE DEVONIAN LIMESTONES AT „KOWALA POSŁOWICE” Summary On the basis of geological documentation of the Middle Devonian limestones at "Kowala Posłowice", the resources of which are recognized in the A, B, C1 and C2 categories, an analysis of changeability of CaO, MgO, and SiO2 components was made on the basis of recognition category of deposit. The computations of arithmetical means (c) of changeability indexes (V), as well as the course of changeability lines (Fig. 2, 3, 4) show that an increase of quantity of analyses proportionally to the increase of recognition category, seems to be aimless in the case of deposits having small parametegrchaneability. For the comparative purposes the analogous computations have been made as concerns limestone deposits of "Bukowa II", "Strzelce Opolskie", and "Rogoźnik", which have shown that during estimation of resources for the same industrial purposes, approximately 0,002 analyses fall on 1 thousand tons of resources, whereas in the case of the "Kowala Posłowice" limestone deposit this mean has increased up to 0,04 analyses on 1 thousand tons of the raw material recognized.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia