Uwagi o roponośności i gazonośności polskich Karpat fliszowych i ich przedgórza


  • Piotr Karnkowski


REMARKS ON OIL AND GAS CONTENTS IN THE POLISH FLYSH-CARPATHIANS AND IN THEIR SUB-MONTANE REGION Summary After opinions existing up to now, the oil and gas deposits are connected in the area of the Carpathians and their submontane region, with a development of sedimentary series. The greatest accumulations of oil and gas have been recorded till present in the Eastern Carpathians, where the flysch deposits have their maximum thickness. The lowermost productive flysch deposits are these of the Lower Cretaceous, which, first of all, are known at Grabownica and Węglówka. Next, oil and gas are concentrated within the upper Cretaceous horizons, as well as in the Palaeocene, Eocene and Oligocene. In the area of the Polish Carpathians, oil bitumens are to be exploited from the deposits being not older than the Cretaceous ones, however in the submontane area the productivity has been recorded not only in the Neogene molasse but also in the older formations of the Palaeomesozoic substratum. Therefore, a supposition may be suggested on possibility of productive structure occurrence in the flysch substratum. Due to investigations carried on during many years, the conditions of oil and gas occurrence in the Carpathians have been recognized in some degree. Above all, these are anticlinal uplifts of various deformation. Moreover, the author pays attention to the synclinal areas in the Carpathians flysch where the secondary foldings, probably productive ones, occur.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia