Wpływ urzeźbienia i tektoniki podłoża na wykształcenie się złóż węgli brunatnych na Kujawach oraz skutki ich częściowego zniszczenia w czasie zlodowaceń


  • Sebastian Biernat


INFLUENCE OF SUBSTRATUM RELIEF AND TECTONICS UPON DEVELOPMENT OF BROWN COAL DEPOSITS IN THE KUJAWY AREA AS WELL AS RESULTS OF THEIR PARTIAL DESTRUCTION DURING GLACIATIONS Summary When analysing the bore materials of bore-holes made during search for brown coal in the Kujawy, the Silesia and the Greatpoland areas, the author paid attention to the relationship between the brown coal occurrence and the morphology of the Tertiary substratum and its young tectonics. This relationship is expressed in different forms of brown coal deposits and their distribution. The author presents here four types of brown coal deposits occurring in the area of Poland, depending on the substratum relief. These are: l) layered deposits, 2) deposits of burried erosional valleys, 3) deposits of grabens and tectonic troughs and 4) deposits on the salt domes. The most important economic value are deposits of the third group, i.e. deposits the thickness of which (some ten meters) depends upon young tectonic movements of substratum. Deposits of this group occur for the most part in the south-western area of the Kujawy - Pomerania Anticlinorium, in the foresudetic area as well as everywhere, where under the Tertiary (limnic) sedimentary cover the young tectonics phenomena are to be seen.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia