Próba opracowania tektofacji na przykładzie Sudetów Zachodnich


  • Jerzy Milewicz


ATTEMPT ON ELABORATION OF TECTOFACIES ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE WEST SUDETEN AREA Summary The paper deals with an attempt on elaboration of tectofacies in Sudeten on the example of the West Sudeten area. In the region of study some interrelation between the development of tectonical phenomena and the kind of existing accumulation may be observed. Characteristically developed tectotypes distinctly define, in majority of cases, their belongings to the definite tectofacies. The tectofacial development of the West Sudeten and that of the portion of the fore-sudetic block is here only fragmentarily outlined for both the Pre-Cambrian and the Silurian periods; for the younger periods, however, it is presented more completely and precisely.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia