Profil kulmu z okolic Głubczyc (Sudety Wschodnie)


  • Antoni M. Żelichowski


PROFILES OF CULM FROM THE VICINITIES OF GŁUBCZYCE (EAST SUDETEN) Summary In the Głubczyce vicinities (East Sudeten) the formations of Culm facies crop out. They make a component part of the wide belt of Culm exposures in the Silesia-Moravia zone, the elaborations of which concern exclusively territories of the Czechoslovakian Socialist Republic. Whole series of the Culm lithofacies has been divided. by the author into two main complexes – the lower complex and the upper one. The lower complex comprises strongly metamorphosed clayey slates, sandstones and graywacke conglomerates, sometimes containing also detritus of flora. They make an equivalent of the Benešov beds there. The author agrees to the opinion concerning their Lower Carboniferous age, i.e. Tournaisian-lower Visean. The upper complex comprises rocks similar to the previous ones; these are, however, characteristic of their less metamorphism degree. Among them, the occurrence of fauna debris has been recorded, too. They present a distinct brachysynclinal form stretching to the north of the Głubczyce area (Figs 1-2). Two complexes have been distinguished here: a lower (clayey arenaceous complex and an upper arenaceous one with interbeddings of quartz conglomerate (Fig. 3). Thickness of the lower complex amounts about 400 meters. After author's opinion this complex represents the Visean formations occurring as far as the, Goß sub-horizon. Their lower boundary cannot be traced precisely. Thickness of the upper complex is approximately 1000 metres. This complex has been included into the Goß5- Goß7 sub-horizons. The complexes distinguished here have been parallelized with the known beds occurring in the area of the Czechoslovakian Socialist Republic. Thus; the lower complex corresponds to the Moravia beds, the upper one - to the Hradec graywackes. Moreover, in the article an introduction of the new Polish terms for these beds is proposed, too.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia