Stratygrafia kajpru w otworach Gorzów Wlkp. IG 1 oraz Sulechów IG 1 i w nawiązaniu do stratygrafii kajpru niemieckiego


  • Irena Gajewska


THE KEUPER STRATIGRAPHY IN BORE-HOLES OF GORZÓW WLKP. IG 1 AND SULECHÓW IG 1 WITH REFERENCE TO GERMAN KEUPER STRATIGRAPHY Summary In relation to the sediments of the whole area of Poland, the Keuper sediments at Gorzów Wlkp. and Sulechów present a complete developed series. This is due to the position of these sediments which approximately occur in the central part of the Triassic sedimentary basin. Thickness of these deposits amounts 360,7 m at Gorzów Wlkp. and 366,5 m at Sulechów. Both the similar thickness and the lithological development allow to perform an exact correlation as concerns the whole series. Stratigraphy of Keuper ds based exclusively on the characteristic lithological features, for the micropalaeontological study made for the Gorzów Wlkp. bore-hole did not give any positive results and such a study fur the Sulechów bore-hole has not been made up to now. Since the Keuper deposits in these bore-boles are similarly developed as those occurring in Germany - the German stratigraphical subdivision has been applied during elaboration. In these localities both the upper and the lower Keuper series have been distinguished. The upper Keuper, in turn, has been subdivided into upper gypsum series, red sandstone and lower gypsum series. As concerns the lower Keuper, the following horizons have been determined: upper variegated marl with bordering dolomite (Grenzdolomit), main sandstone (Hauptsandstein) lower variegated marl + main dolomite (Hauptdolomit) and lower sandstone. In the bore-hole of Gorzów Wlkp. IG-1 dolomites are lacking in the main variegated marl; these are wen developed in bore-hole of Sulechów IG-1, where they define boundary between the lower and the upper Keuper.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia