Nowe dane z wierceń Bartoszyce i Gołdap


  • Stanisław Tyski


NEW DATA OBTAINED FROM THE BARTOSZYCE AND GOŁDAP BORE-HOLES Summary During the regional geological researches belonging to the first stage of basal investigations in the Polish Lowland area two bore-holes have already been made. The first one was localized to the east of Bartoszyce, the second one to the west of Gołdap. The main purpose of these bore-holes was to investigate the older Palaeozoic formations in conditions of wedging-out running towards the Masurian-Suwałki elevation. The next aim was to recognize the development of the whole younger series of sedimentary rocks, particularly the Zechstein deposits, as well as to investigate structure of the basement rocks. The main geological and search problems concerning the north-eastern area of Poland were already disscussed in the "Przegląd Geologiczny", Nr 4, 1960. In the article only preliminary results obtained from both the Bartoszyce and the Gołdap bore-holes are presented.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia