Charakterystyka okruszcowania warstw boruszowickich monokliny śląsko-krakowskiej


  • Kazimierz Piekarski


CHARACTERISTICS OF MINERALIZATION OF THE BORUSZOWIEC BEDS IN THE SILESIA-CRACOW MONOCLINE Summary The bore-holes made during the search for zinc-lead ores in 1952 have brought a new material concerning mineralization of the Boruszowice beds. By means of these bore-holes the beds stretching in the region south of the Tarnowskie Góry and in the central part of the Chrzanów deep (Fig. l) have been investigated. The mineralization occurs within the clayey dolomite deposits. In the clay slates of the Boruszowice beds pyrite and marcasite are usually to be found in form of single crystals and finger-like concretions. Beside the pyrite also the galena and the zinc blende take place in the recrystallized dolomites. Macroscopic and microscopic examinations have shown that the assemblage of ore-bearing minerals occurring in these beds is similar to that of the other Triassic horizons. Differences between them are chiefly of chemical character and depend on their development process. Zinc blende from the Boruszowice beds occurs in the crystalline and granular forms and contains a slight amount of As and Tl, with a big quantity of Cu, Cd and Fe. In relation to the galena from the ore-bearing dolomites, the galena from these beds is characteristic of its paragenesis with calcite and its diverse composition of microelements. Its characteristic feature is the lack of Tl, As and Ge and the large contents of Cu, and Sb.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia