O wpływie wielkości i kształtu pola zdjęcia na ilość i zagęszczenie podstawowych punktów dokumentacyjnych ujętych w siatkę kwadratów


  • Witold Cezariusz Kowalski


ON THE INFLUENCE OF MAGNITUDE AND SHAPE OF THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY FIELD UPON THE QUANTITY AND DENSITY OF BASIC OBSERVATION POINTS LOCATED WITHIN THE NET SQUARES Summary After analysing the influence of magnitude and shape of survey field upon the quantity and density of basic observation points, author draws the general and detailed conclusions. In the general ones he confirms that upon the quantity of basic observation points influences not only the magnitude but also the shape of survey field, what at the estimating of exactness and costs of a survey should be taken into account. In the detailed conclusions concerning the use of the net of squares at the documentation survey author confirms that the instructions applied at present, comprising the same density of the observation points, may differ in exactness up to four times. Therefore these instructions should indicate the density of points either for an infinitely wide field (in that case the magnifying coefficients for the real fields should be given) or for the unit field (1 km2, 1 hectare, 1 are), and then the suitable diminishing coefficients should be applied.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia