Poziom spirialisowy w tortonie przedgórza Karpat


  • Henryk Jurkiewicz
  • Piotr Karnkowski


TORTONIAN SPIRIALIS HORIZON WITHIN THE CARPATHIAN FORELAND Summary The Spirialis horizon has a wide extension not only in the Polish Carpathians Foreland area (Fig. 1) but also within the teritory of U.S.S.R., of the Black Sea region, as well as in the West Ukraine. This series occurs directly above the lower Tortonian saliferous horizon. Within this Spirialis series, four horizons have been distinguished (Fig. 2), viz: a) horizon of dark grey or black, slightly calcareous and micaceous clay-slates having rare specimens of foraminifer, particularly Globigerina bulloides, Radiolaria as well as fish teeth and oolites; b) horizon of dark grey, slightly arenaceous clay-slates with the interneddings of tuffites. There occur in a mass the big specimens of Spirialis; the foraminiferal fauna is very nemerous; c) horizon of grey green, palstic, calcareous slay-slates. The specimens of Siprialis are very numerous; d) horizon of dark grey, arenaceous, strongly calcareous clay-slates. The Spirialis specimens occur sporadically there. Foraminifers are numerous and beolong almost to the Mylilidae family. The Spirialis horizon, with regard to its limited vertical spread and to the wide regional extension has a double significance: 1) as an important reference point in the correlation of the Tortonian layers; 2) it may be of use at the geological prospecting works, as an indicator advising the approach of boring to the lower Tortonian chemical deposits and to the Miocene substratum too.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia