Próba wydzielenia prowincji litologicznych miocenu Wielkopolski


  • Bolesław Sacha


ATTEMPT OF DETACHMENT OF THE LITHOLOGICAL MIOCENE PROVINCES OF WIELKOPOLSKA Summary Hithero, the determination of morphological as well as geological boundaries of the brown coal formation in the Wielkopolska region was very difficult. At the last time, however, the data obtained from 30 profiles of the bore-holes enabled to perform such a delimitation. 14 of these bore-holes have pierced the Miocene deposits and encountered the Oligocene sediments or the rocks of Mesozoic substratum, 13 in turn – in 80-90 per cent met in all probability the Miocene deposits. Three bore-holes reached the Mesozoic rocks without encountering the Miocene sediments.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia