Współcześnie zachodzące procesy w złożach siarki i ich znaczenie dla eksploatacji


  • Jan Czermiński
  • Stanisław Pawłowski


PROCESSES CONTEMPORARILY APPEARING WITHIN THE SULPHUR DEPOSITS AND THEIR SIGNIFICANCE FOR EXPLOITATION Summary As the result of exploitation of native sulphur deposit, the outcropping of a part of deposit and the drying up of that have taken place. In this way within the part of ore-bearing series the oxidizing-reducing conditions have changed. The oxidizing potential is considerably higher than that within the watered part of deposit. Therefore exist a possibility of oxidation of native sulphur within deposit and a formation of gypsum at that place. That process undergoes an acceleration if the microorganisms take part there. The authors underline the significance of these appearances for the deposit exploitation and suggest the necessity of control of these processes.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia