O polskiej siarce i jej znaczeniu


  • Stanisław Pawłowski


ON THE POLISH SULPHUR AND ITS IMPORTANCE Summary The sulphur deposits recently discovered in Poland are genetically bound with the occurrence of the calcium sulphates, gypsums and anhydrites within the Miocene sediments of the Carpathian fore deep. The native sulphur occurs in the Polish deposits in a cryptocrystalline as well as crystalline form, in the concretions of different shapes and magnitudes up to some centimetre of diameter. The sulphur resources documented amount, only in the Tarnobrzeg area, about 100 milion tons. The author discusses then the economical valuation of deposits, taking into consideration in characteristic of resources and refers to the historical traditions of the sulphur mining in Poland as well as to the part of sulphur in the modern industrial chemistry.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia