Występowanie i perspektywy poszukiwawcze złóż rud żelaza na Dolnym Śląsku


  • Jerzy Jerzmański


OCCURRENCE AND PROSPECTION POSSIBILITIES OF THE IRON-ORE DEPOSITS IN LOWER SILESIA Summary On the basis of the known evidences of mineralization, author describes the occurrence conditions of iron-ore deposits in Sudeten. In general, in this region there are following possibilities of iron-ore concentrations. 1. In the pre-Cambrian or old-Palaezoic series, during evolution of which the volcanic appearances of geosynclinal type haven taken place, 2. In the pre-Cambrian or old-Palaezoic series, mostly of limestones and amphibolites, they have been once within the contact metamorphose zone, 3. In connection with Devonian basic effusive rocks of the splite-keratophyric formation, 4. In the connection with Variscian intrusions of granitoids, 5. In the connection with young Variscian volcanic rocks, and 6. Within the massifs of basic magmatic or volcanic rocks, they have undergone a weathering of lateritic type, in the definite climatic conditions, generally in Tertiary. In the present stage of investigation, the prospection problems of the iron-ore deposits in Sudeten come in the main to the partial reconnaissance of already known deposits and to the detailed elaboration of these geological questions, resolving of which may contribute to the discovering of new deposits.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia