W sprawie głębokich wierceń na Niżu Polskim


  • Jerzy Znosko


ON THE PROBLEM OF DEEP BORE-HOLES IN THE POLISH LOWLAND AREA Summary The use of drilling rigs capable for boring to 4500 m opens new possibilities of investigations for Polish geology. As a result of the post-war research activity, the recognition of geological structure of our country has strongly changed, the possibilities of geological interpretation have extended and the new geological problems have been made more precise. It is necessary to make a quick reconnaissance of formations and structures both older and deeper ones, to recognize the relationship between the older and younger orogenies as well as distribution of fore deeps and intermontane deeps of various age. These are four big problems waiting for a quick explanation, viz.: l) Extension and composition of the sedimentary platform cover. 2) Age of the platform cover in the individual geological regions of the age of the folded substratum of platform covers. 3) Western extension of the Pre-Cambrian platform. 4) Mutual relationship of the big, deep tectonical elements - more exactly - orogenic ones. Particularly important is an investigation of the relationship between both, the Caledonian and Hercynian orogenies within the Polish Lowland area and in connection with this - the explanation of extension and distribution of Hercynian and Caledonian deeps and fore deeps. Very important for the geology of northern and middle Europe is the consideration, if so called circumfennosarmatian branch of Caledonids really exists. Upon the explanation of this question depends the western border extension of the Pre-Cambrian Platform. For the explanation of problems shortly mentioned above, the performance of 12 deep bore-holes was proposed; the location of these wells is plotted on the schematic tectonic map of basement without the sedimentary cover.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia