Mineralizacja magnezytowa na północnym przedpolu wzgórza “Kielczyn” na Dolnym Śląsku


  • Zbigniew Gajewski


MAGNESITE MINERALIZATION IN THE NORTH FOREFILED OF THE „kIELCZYN” HILL IN THE LOWER SILESIA Summary On the basis of the drillings performed, the author discusses the magnesite mineralization in the northern forefield area of the “Kielczyn” hill in the Lower Silesia. The most intensive magnesite mineralization appears in the serpentinite of the average degree of transformation within the peripheral portions of massif. The thickness of this zone averages some tens metres. Along the trend from the outcrop of serpentinite to the contact area, the thickness of the zone distinctly increases. The magnesite, occurring within it, is developed in form of slight veins, from some millimetres to some centimetres thick, as so called “magnesite net”, as well as in form of the several metres thick veins. In the second part of the article, the main types of serpentinites are discussed, as well as their mineralogical and chemical characteristics are given. With the degree of transformation of the primary rocks and with the mineral composition of serpentinite, author correlates the intensity degree of magnesite mineralization.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia