Odkrycie wysadowej struktury solnej koło Damasławka na Kujawach
DISCOVERING OF A SALT DOME STRUCTURE NEAR DAMASŁAWEK, IN THE KUJAVIAN AREA Summary The salt dome structure at Damasławek is situated between salt dome of Wapno and structure of Mogilno. Discovering of this dome was first of all, a result of seismic researches and structure drillings. The works in this area have been carried on since 1958, by the State Firm for Oil Prospection. The extend of the Damasławek salt dome determined by extension of clay-gypsum cap amounts 4.5 X 3.2 km. The depth of cap surface is as 70 m and more, and that of salt table more tahn 448 m. Within the Tertiary strata the overburden, the brown coal bed has been encountered too (30 m in thickness). The suitable conditions for oil accumulation in the traps existed near by the plugs within the surrounding deposits, are also supposed. The detailed reconnaissance works to determine the economical values of the dome discovered, are being made to present.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia