Z paleogeografii permu na Pomorzu


  • Józef Poborski
  • Ludgierd Cimaszewski


ON PALAEOGEOGRAPHY OF THE PERMIAN IN THE POMERANIAN AREA Summary In this paper the authors base on the profiles of some deep bore-holes that were made in the Pomeranian area in the north-western part of Poland. Of these, the most important for knowledge of the deep substratum were the results of the bore-hole Bobolice I (SE of Koszalin). The upper Carboniferous, mostly of carbonate lithofacies, were encountered here; these strata are discordantly covered by the upper Permian (Zechstein) salt-bearing formation (Fig. 1). The authors confirm that in the sedimentation of the Zechstein evaporites, the changes of palaeogeographical conditions quite distinctly reflected. Basin on the profiles of bore-holes mentioned above, they express the following supposition. During the lower Permian time (Rotliegende), partly also during upper one (Zechstein) there existed in the Pomeranian area a continental massif of closer indefinite outline (Fig. 2). It consisted of rocky formations of Silurian, Devonian and Carboniferous. During the Zechstein time that continent was gradually overflowed by the marine transgression.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia