Wysad solny Łaniąt na północo-zachód od Kutna


  • Zbigniew Werner


SALT DOME AT ŁANIĘTA, NORTH-WEST OF KUTNO Summary The salt dome at Łanięta, north-west of Kutno was discovered by means of gravimetric investigations. The bore-hole Łanięta, made during 1959-1960, has directly contributed to discovering of this salt dome. Under the Quaternary (54 m) and the Tertiary (152 m) overburden sediments, deposits of clay-anhydrite cap. as well as salt table at a depth approximately 304 m have been encountered. Within the Tertiary sediments, two brown coal beds about 20 m thickness, exist here. In the salt deposits, the abruptly running layers both of rock salts and magnesium salts (kieserite) were recorded too. At present, the Geological Institute begins to carry on the detailed reconnaissance works conducted by means of drillings in both the saline deposits and the brown coal deposits areas, as well as to evaluate these deposits with regard to their economical importance.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia