Zastosowanie metod geofizycznych w rozpoznaniu złóż węgla kamiennego na Górnym Śląsku


  • Jan Skorupa


APPLICATION OF GEOPHYSICAL METHODS IN THE PROSPECTIONS OF COAL OF UPPER SILESIA Summary Thinking over the possibility of limiting quantity of drillings, the big amounts which is performed to increase the category of deposits (of the local point of view) in some areas of the Upper Silesia Coal Trough, the author makes a review of possibilities to use the individual methods of the prospecting geophysics. An analyse of the density circumstances and of the geological structure as for the gravimetrical method allow to confirm that by means of this method one can trace only such dislocations that have their marked reflection in the morphology of the Carboniferous deposit surface. It seems to be rightful - says the author - to elaborate the Carboniferous surface map using contemporaneously available both the drilling and the gravimetric materials. For the seismic method in its refraction variety the tracing of the Carboniferous morphology surface is a typical for the area of trough. There are shown also difficulties that may locally occur and the part of the refraction and reflection works for elaboration of both the first and the second stages are discussed, too. For the electrical resistance method, the conditions of their performance are discussed and the depth limitings resulting of the hitherto used apparatuses are shown, as well. Using this method, however, at the lower exactness as by the seismical works, one can also trace the morphology of the Carboniferous surface. Besides, the conditions of a more successful application and of a complex use of the individual geophysical methods are discussed too.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia