Siarkonośna seria ewaporatów mioceńskich w okolicy Czarkowych nad Nidą


  • Tadeusz Osmólski


SULPHURIFEROUS SERIES OF THE MIOCENE EVAPORITES IN THE CZARKOWY VICINITIES ON THE NIDA RIVER Summary Discovery of the sulphur deposits in both the Tarnobrzeg and the Solec-Grzybów regions radically changed the viewpoint on the occurrence possibilities of the sulphur deposits in the Miocene and became a stimulus for the further prospectings. The interest in the sulphur problems bas increased, as well as that in the old sulphur mining and in the ancient sulphur deposits in Poland has risen too. Therefore, in the Geological Institute a plan of the research works in the Czatkowy area bas developed as a first stage of works to establish the geological conditions as well as to determine the possibilities of sulphur contents in the gypsum horizon of the Działoszyce trough.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia