Budowa geologiczna antyklinorium pomorskiego między Świdwinem a Złotowem w świetle badań geofizycznych


  • Afrykan Kisłow


GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF THE KUJAWY-POMERANIAN ARCH BETWEEN ŚWIDWIN AND ZŁOTÓW IN THE LIGHT OF GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATIONS Summary First seismic investigations of the Kujawy-Pomeranian Arch between Świdwin and Złotów were accomplished as a fan shootings. They confirmed the existence of elevation within large positive gravity anomaly. Reflection investigations, done after the II-nd World War, did not supply satisfactory results due to large difficulties of distinct and continuous recording of waves. Simultaneously conducted refraction investigations showed much better results. They allowed to make a structural map of a certain elastic level with velocities over 4000 m per sec. On the base on correlation with bore-holes on this area this level may be connected with the top of the lower gypsiferous series of Keuper. It is not out of the question that in some places an underlying Muschelkalk horizon may be traced. The area between Świdwin and Czaplinek was more thoroughly examined. A relatively strong (folding) complication of layers is a characteristic feature of this area. The fold axis descends, beginning from the Łobez-Świdwin fault, toward SE. In the vicinity of drilling “Świdwin 2” runs the Połczyn Zdrój dislocation truncating the eastern block. Subsequent diagonal dislocation runs in the vicinity of Wałcz. Three longitudinal, structural axes of different dip directions may be observed on this area. The northern axis of Świdwin-Czaplinek merges toward Złotów and disappears there. The Łobez-Krajenka axis rises toward SE and in the vicinity of Krajenka marks a fold of “the first order”. The Łobżenica-Wyrzysk fold, running in the direction of Szubin, may be regarded as its probable prolongation. The southern Piła fold probably develops SE of Piła. The results obtained allow to maintain that the refraction method can be used in the mentioned area, but precaution must be kept both in work and in the interpretation.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia