Iły „spągowe” Sobolizny na tle geologicznej budowy rejonu


  • Bogumiła Zalewska


PROBLEMS OF THE SO CALLED „BOTTOM” CLAYS OF SOBOLIZNA ON THE BACKGROUND OF THE GEOLOGY OF THE OSTRZESZÓW HILLS Summary The vicinity of the Sobolizna village is regionally connected with Ostrzeszów Hills (Katzen Gebirge) which constitute eastern prolongation of Trzebnica Hills (Katzen Gebirge). On the up to date investigations it is known that the Ostrzeszów Hills consist of several anticlinal belts alternated with broader synclinal zones. Limbs of anticlines are bunt of Tertiary deposits and dip at 50-70° under Quaternary deposits. In cores of these anticlines "bottom" clays occur. They are visible on the surface in the shape of long belts. On the base of bore-holes one can say that the “bottom" clays lay unconformably on Pliocene clays or on the large portion of Quaternary deposits. It is to suppose that this deposit is of secondary origin. It maybe an ice transported block which was deposited in the synclinal depression. Due to large thickness attaining in some places 50 m these clays maybe a matter of interest for the ceramic industry.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia