Inżynierskie badania geologiczne dla stopnia wodnego we Włocławku


  • Benon Fąferek


ENGINEERING-GEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS FOR THE PROPOSED DAM IN WŁOCŁAWEK Summary The projected dam in the Włocławek is one of the most important elements in the “cascade” of the lower Vistula. It will be situated in the eastern part of Włocławek, i.e. against the course of the river. Waters of the Vistula river will be stored 11 metres above the present level. The investigated area is situated within the Vistula valley, which cuts the Pleistocene high-plain (fig. 1). Three terraces situated south of the river can be distinguished: flood terrace and two terraces situated over it. The steep, right slope of the valley is characterised by numerous landslides. The substratum of the old valley is built of “Poznań” Pliocene clays or of Miocene brown-coal formation in places where the former one is eroded. Disturbed Neogene deposits have distinctly complicated the engineering-geological and hydrogeological conditions in the investigated area. Miocene is represented by sands, silts brown coals, sometimes by clays and gravels. Pliocene is represented by clays and loams with silty-arenaceous intercalations. The high-plain is nearly entirely built of Pleistocene sands and gravels covered by boulder clay (Varsovian II glaciation) of a dozen metres thick. Sands and fluvioglacial gravels, varves also in some places remnants of boulder clay belonging to the same glaciation are to be found in the old valley. Clayey-peats, dune sands and gravels, sands and muds are ascribed to the Holocene. The following ground waters were distinguished: 1) Within arenaceous-gravelly Quaternary deposits: a) on the high-plain free level waters or low pressure waters, b) within the old valley – free level waters. 2. Within arenaceous Pleistocene deposits: a) free level waters on clays, b) water in close lenses, c) waters in the intercalations within clays. 3. Within arenaceous (rarely gravelly) Miocene deposits divided as follows: a) subartesian or artesian waters irrigating upper parts of the Miocene, b) artesian waters irrigating lower parts of the Miocene.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia