Geologiczno-inżynierska budowa i stosunki hydrogeologiczne doliny Wisły pod Wyszogrodem


  • Mieczysław Buczyński


GEOLOGICAL-ENGINEERING STRUCTURE AND HYDROGEOLOGICAL CONDITIONS IN THE VISTULA VALLEY NEAR WYSZOGRÓD Summary The following problems are discussed in this article: 1) the choice of an axis for proposed dam in Wyszogród on the Vistula river, 2) possibility of constructing a dam from the point of view of engineering geology, 3) hydrogeological conditions, 4) extension of earth-works. The proposed dam is located in the Vistula valley. It will be placed between the right bank and the high water dam situated on the flood terrace on the left bank of the river. In the conclusion the author states that: two engineering-geological complexes are situated within the site of the proposed dam. These complexes allow to build projected constructions. Joining of the dam with the high, right bank of the river will be quite easy because there is no tendency to slides; hydrogeological conditions allow elevation of the reservoir though ground water level will be disturbed and filtrations out of the reservoir will take place. To avoid some negative influences in terms of changes of hydrogeological conditions, melioration should be made in the area adjacent to the reservoir (left bank of the Vistula).



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia