Inżynierskie badania geologiczne w dolinie Wisły


  • Jan Malinowski


ENGINEERING-GEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS COMPLETED BY THE GEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE IN THE VISTULA VALLEY Summary Geological investigations for improving of the Vistula river were initiated in 1953. For this purpose the Vistula valley was subdivided into three main parts: a) from the mouth of the Przemsza river to the mouth of the San river – upper Vistula. b) from the mouth of the San to Warsaw – middle Vistula. c) from Warsaw to the sea – lower Vistula. The first part – upper Vistula was investigated only partially: between the mouth of the Przemsza river to Cracow. Geological map and several vertical sections were made. On the contrary, between Cracow and the mouth of the San river only some vertical sections were accomplished. The lower course of the Vistula is investigated only fragmentarily. It concerns the area where projected dams are being built. Documentations were made for some preliminary projects of dams. This part of the Vistula valley will be improved first and for this reason intensive researches are carried out.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia