Wstępne uwagi na temat rozwoju i stratygrafii piaskowca pstrego Polski północno-wschodniej


  • Anna Szyperko-Śliwczyńska


PRELIMINARY REMARKS ON THE DEVELOPMENT AND STRATIGRAPHY OF THE BUNTSANDSTEIN IN NORTH-EASTERN POLAND Summary The Buntsandstein deposits in N-E Poland attain much lower thicknesses than these in central part of the lower Triassic sedimentation basin. Stratigraphy of Buntsandstein due to lack of paleontological evidence can be based only on correlation of several columns. Bore-holes in Pasłęk and Żebrak are the most important. In the author's opinion silty-marly-arenaceous deposits containing anhydrite inclusions of the lower Buntsandstein from Pasłęk and Łeba correspond to argillaceous-arenaceous sediments from Żebrak and to the series of several tens of meters in thickness known from the bore-holes situated on the Mazury-Suwałki hill-land (Szlinokiemie, Krynki, Ełk, Wejsuny and Ostrów Mazowiecka). Upper Buntsandstein argillaceous-silty deposits with numerous oolite intercalations traced in bore-holes Łeba, Szlinokiemie and Żebrak correspond chronologically to sandy-argillaceous series with conglomeratic intercalations from Pasłęk. All these series correspond to similar those from the bore-holes in Ostrów Mazowiecka, Wejsuny and Ełk. The lower Buntsandstein series extend farther east than the upper one.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia