Cechowanie grawimetrów Askania Gs 11


  • Wacław Bujnowski


CALIBRATION OF THE "ASKANIA GS 11" GRAVIMETERS Summary Real accuracy of measuring of great Δ g differences depends particularly on marking of earth gravity acceleration absolute values for divisions of gravimeter scale in gal and mgal units. This problem grew in importance in Poland using modern “Askania Gs 11 No 95” gravimeter in connection with the elaboration of gravimetric network. A need rose of determining of mgal unit of the network on the base of the results of the gravimeter calibration. Proofs of the apparatuses were accomplished in the Laboratory of Geophysics of the Geological Institute. After marking of unknowns x, y the results of calibration are computed in the shape of straight line III with belts of mean errors. From the accuracy analysis it is clear that Δ g absolute values of the network are determined with the error of 0.4‰. This method was accepted as obligatory in practice.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia