Niektóre problemy geologiczne w północno-wschodniej Polsce w nawiązaniu do obszarów przyległych


  • Stanisław Tyski


SOME GEOLOGICAL PROBLEMS OF THE NORTH-EASTERN POLAND IN CONNECTION WITH ADJACENT AREAS Summary In the northern Mazury, which is a transitional zone between the Baltic syneclise and the Mazury-Białoruś anteclise we face with the following geological problems. 1. Characteristics of the cristalline basement concerning the age of rocks, their tectonics, petrographic content and rock waste. 2. Lithological and facial conditions of older Palaeozoic series i.e. Cambrian, Ordovician and Silurian when wedging out on the limb of the anteclise. More clastic deposits are expected there when compared with the area of the Baltic syneclise where traces of gas, oil and mineral waters were found within older Palaeozoic series. 3. Extent of the Zechstein saline facie. 4. Appearance of the Lower Zechstein argillaceous series (counterpart of the copper-bearing Mansfeld shales). 5. Silty-arenaceous Buntsaindstein deposits from the point of view of rock waste of the cristalline basement. 6. The whole section of Mezozoic series (Triassic excluded) as to the sedimentological and palaeographical problems in connection with epeirogenic movements of different age. 7. Deep water levels as to the kind and degree of their mineralisation.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia