Budowa geologiczna i ocena złóż ogniotrwałych piaskowców kwarcytowych zachodniej części Pasma Bielińskiego
GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE AND THE ESTIMATE OF REFRACTORY QUARTZITIC SANDSTONES IN THE WESTERN PART OF THE BIELINY RANGE Summary The author describes the results of examinations carried out in years 1953-1957 in order to obtain a basis of siliceous materials for the refractory materials industry. Prospecting works leading to the documentation of the Lower Devonian quartzitic sandstones were localized within Bieliny Range the latter being situated in central part of the Święty Krzyż Mountains. Basing on geological documentations of those deposits the author gives valuation of resources, general and technologic also chemical characteristic of the deposit in connection with standards now in force. Stratigraphy of the Lower Devonian deposits and the geological structure of the Bieliny fold are also given.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia