Czwartorzęd regionu Jury Krakowsko-Częstochowskiej i sąsiadujących z nią obszarów


  • Stefan Zbigniew Różycki


QUATERNARY OF THE CZĘSTOCHOWA JURA CHAIN AND THE ADJACENT AREA Summary The limestone region of Częstochowa has a complicated development. There is an interference of the old Cretaceous karst, that emerges from beneath the Cenomanian and Albian sediments, with the karst Palaeogene and the mediterranean Neogene one. Terra rossa and bone breccia with abundant fauna of the mammals is formed in Pliocene, and brown weathering clay with fauna of rodent animals in the Lower Pleistocene. The Jura Region formed a nunatak beneath the glacier level, and was partly covered with sand of glacifluvial accumulation, during the Cracow Glaciation. Valleys in the region were dammed with end moraines, during the Middle Polish Glaciation. The valleys formed before the glaciations, as canyons till 50 m deep, possed its period of accumulation, that finished in peryglacial conditions, or moraine sediments. The deepening of the valleys and its fulfilling took place three times. Abundant captures changed the ancient pattern of river streams.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia