Stratygrafia i zmiany facjalne najwyższego doggeru i malmu Jury Częstochowskiej


  • Stefan Zbigniew Różycki


STRATIGRAPHY AND FACIES CHANGES OF UPPER DOGGER AND MALM IN THE CZĘSTOCHOWA JURA CHAIN Summary Facies changes were rather very limited in the Lower and Middle Dogger. They are connected with the migration of the sea shore, that was changing its position toward S, in vicinity of Zawiercie. A great transgression, and more complicated facies changes, in conformity with the changes of the Hercynian Substratum, are observed in Upper Bathonian. The ferrifenous oolites and ferruginous limestones facies were wandering between Wieluń and Częstochowa from Upper Bathonian to Callovian. They are described according to a complicated manner of location of shoals and bags, south from Częstochowa. Upper Callovian is represented by the 10 cm thick layer, in which fauna from three upper horizons is accumulated. It is an accumulation of dead fauna on the hard ground, and covered with stromatolith bed. The whole change and equalisation of facies take place in Oxford.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia